help with Action Macro on Cobalt 7.1.1 Congo Jr. ?

Has anyone had experience using action macros on the Cobalt software with Congo Jr.?  I'm told you can assign an action macro to a step in Main Playback that will start a sequence in a master.  Have tried this with no luck.  Is there a setting somewhere that needs to be changed in the Masters or elsewhere to make this work?  

What we have done: in the sequence editor for the main show sequence under the action macro column we have "GO M4".  Under Master Page column we have it going to page 5.  

When running the preset, the master page will move to page 5, and it shows there is a action macro assigned but nothing happens.

Any insight on this would be great!

  • Hi there -

    I believe the command you want to use is START rather than GO. START will move the master fader up, which is what allows light to be output by the master. If the fader is down, the GO won't actually do anything but advance the sequence. Try replacing your GO macro with this:

    START M4,100

    This macro pushes the master fader for Master 4 to 100 percent. Once you've done that you can use the GO M4 macro to advance the sequence. I believe you can use GO M4,## to trigger a specific preset (like a GOTO command would do on the main playback). But check that in the help system to be sure. :-)

    Thanks -


  • That is excellent! Thank you!!!! 1. Now, how do I get that master to fade out? I used Start M4, 0 and it will stop, but not fade. I tried Start M4, 0, 10 and it waits 10 seconds to stop but still doesn't fade. If I manually bring up the fader, the sequence stops when I get to full. I'd like to fade those masters out some times, rather than have the sequences just end. 2. Is there a way to Block a step that will tell everything to stop, including multiple sequences running on masters triggered by action macros? 3. Can I make a regular Macro to fade all masters in 5 or 10 seconds? How? I really just want to find a work around to typing in "Start M4, 0;Start M7, 0;Start M16, 0, Start M21, 0" and so on when I want to or fade those sequences.....
  • Odd, the syntax you have entered should fade the master back down from full in 10 seconds, not snap it. Could you send us a copy of your show file and an indication of exactly where this is happening? Thanks -
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