Times Oddity

I'm having an issue setting times in the master playback on our Congo Jnr running 7.1 and get the same behaviour offline with 7.1.1 on a mac. I can't seem to set cue times or delays to fractions of a second when the desired time is more than 10 seconds. 9.5 works fine, but 10.5 get rounded to 10, 11.9 to 11 etc.  I'm sure this used to be possible is this a bug?



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  • Basically because if you want higher time resolution for long times, you're almost certainly trying to do something in a difficult way that's going to bite you later.

    For example, to sync a cuelist to music:

    If you use Waits, the moment you change any of them, you also need to update the timing of all of the following cues/steps or they go out of sync.

    If you use Timecode instead, this gives every step an 'absolute' time and so altering the timing of any individual step has no effect on any of the other steps.

    - If your music player doesn't provide an actual timecode source, then you can use the internal timecode clock and manually start/stop it as required
    (Onscreen via the Timecode Dock, by Macro or assigned to a Master Key.)

    Timecode can also be programmed by starting the clock and "learning" the values:

    1. Turn on {Learn}
    2. Start the track and the clock
    3. Hit [Go] as and when required
    4. Turn off {Learn} - done!
