Nomad Cobalt to BCF2000

Hello everybody.
Can someone help me.
I can not connect "Nomad Cobalt" to my Behringer BCF2000.
I've tried all settings in Cobalt and BCF2000 and they can not talk to each other.
Thank you all.

  • hello select your midi device for midi input in the Midi setup. that works great on PC only with Nanokontrol2 Korg
  • During those days I tested the Cobalt and the Korg nanokontrol2, with various settings trying midi connection and nothing. Already do not know what to do! But thanks Pilou.
  • Install your nanoKontrol2 driver and connect your MIDI Device before start Cobalt. Affect your midi device with the right CC and Notes with online help of Cobalt midi direct Table. - open your show file then - open setup window - go to MIDI tab - active DIRECT MODE - Select Audio Device For MIDI IN cell Now you have a manual control !
  • Merci Pilou. I think I have found the problem. When I open the Cobalt as Offline Editor I have, Play Settings- Midi Tab- (Standard Midi) (Midi Show Control) (Midi Setup) (Time Code). When I open with Congo dongle, I haven't (Midi Setup). Is it a bug?
  • that works with nomad and offline but not on Mac yet.

     option number 1 and 8 !

  • But I am using Win7 and have no option 8
  • Connection to Windows devices is possible in Offline mode or when running with a Nomad dongle. What type of dongle are you running with when you don't see the configuration options? Are you running with a Congo console?
  • Hi Anders. I am running with a Client dongle from a Congo Sr console. José Miguel Lontro
  • That explains it. You cannot connect Windows MIDI devices to a console (or a Client which is running in the console).
Reply Children
  • Ok Anders, But I'm not running a console. I'm just using the Congo dongle to turn the Cobalt offline editor in Cobalt server on the laptop, and one ETC Gadget USB/DMX Converter to have DMX output. The intent of connecting a USB/MIDI DAW fader to the laptop is to make some specials by hand while running the show. I'm trying not to load with a Congo Sr console at my back in the road show. But when I plug the dongle to Cobalt software in the laptop, the configuration option MIDI SETUP does not appear . Basically this is my problem. Thank's all, José Miguel Lontro
  • Anders take a look,

    A picture is worth a thousand words!

  • This is interesting. It looks like the dongle is not just a Client dongle but actually starts in Server mode. Please go to "About Cobalt". It should say "PC version", not "Server". (However, looking at your screen shots, I think that you will see "Server" here.) If you can tell us the number that is shown after "Dongle number", we can check how your dongle is programmed to see if this explains something.
  • Thanks for your interest,

    Obtained the same day at the same time.