
I worked on Strand 530 a long time ago. A benefit i liked was updating masters after a change in programming. I work on master a lot live. I would like to update atributes on the fly even if it look strange on stage :))

Question two. It`s annoying that masters on Cobalt 10 still ar programed for Cobalt 20. Eg pages ar 1-20 and so on.

  • You can select the channels in a master, make changes, then use UPDATE & Master Key to update that master. The Cobalt 10 has just as many masters as any other Cobalt system. It just has reduced master hardware. This is why the pages remain the same regardless of what console you are on. On Cobalt 10 you can use the RANGE button to assign whatever masters you want to the two banks, so if you want all of page one visible, set the bottom row to 1-10 and the upper row to 11-20. Thanks much - Sarah
  • I ment update live. If i change color on a lamp, Modify+master key, attribut. I have to move master to 0% to see changes on stage. I would be nice to press a button instead. I can do it with two master with same content but that is not a nice way to do it. Or perhaps I work in a old way. Thanks Pär
  • [Attrib] in the Master Editor is a shortcut to open the Preset Attribute Editor for that Preset, and Preset Attribute Editors are always Blind.
    (You can open these in several different ways)

    Making any changes in Blind requires you to replay the Preset before they will change Live onstage - that's what Blind is for, after all.
    You can do this by pushing the fader down/up, hitting the Master button set to "Execute Attributes" etc.

    If you want to edit attributes Live, then simply edit them Live!
    You can then [Update] them into the Preset once they are the way you want them.
    - You can use # [Update] & [Preset] to update them straight into any Preset, or [Update] & [Master_Key] to update the Preset via the Master.

    These commands use your current selection, so you can update an individual channel if required.

  • [Attrib] in the Master Editor is a shortcut to open the Preset Attribute Editor for that Preset, and Preset Attribute Editors are always Blind.
    (You can open these in several different ways)

    Making any changes in Blind requires you to replay the Preset before they will change Live onstage - that's what Blind is for, after all.
    You can do this by pushing the fader down/up, hitting the Master button set to "Execute Attributes" etc.

    If you want to edit attributes Live, then simply edit them Live!
    You can then [Update] them into the Preset once they are the way you want them.
    - You can use # [Update] & [Preset] to update them straight into any Preset, or [Update] & [Master_Key] to update the Preset via the Master.

    These commands use your current selection, so you can update an individual channel if required.
