Thoughts, please! Training topics for our CUE event in June, 2015

Hey everyone -

I'm starting to work out the details of our upcoming CUE event in Madison, WI, where we plan to offer pretty significant console training courses. I'm wondering if you have had training from one of our providers and if there's any topic you would like to have had more time on during your training - what aspects of the console would you like to get to know better?

I'll try to ensure that we spend time in these areas in future training courses we offer, not just at CUE.

To get more information on the CUE event as it becomes available, please sign up here.

Thanks much!


  • If I could go to one of these I'd be looking for advanced training; Things like using Networks (Artnet/ACN etc.), and patching them, Master/Slaving consoles. Using RDM with Cobalt would be good too, i.e. patching and changing settings on a S4 series 2 with RDM. Integration with Nomad & offline editor, importing files from other desks, importing parts of files from other Cobalt shows. Advanced effects, using series in detail, and content effects, understanding dynamic effects ( details on the waveforms).
  • Hi Ric -

    We'd love to have you over if you could swing it! Thanks for the good feedback. I'll see if I can get these topics into some tutorials soon!

    Thanks much -
