Congo Jnr and RDM

I'm trying to access the personality setting of an Enttec Aleph 1 CV Driver that can only be changed via RDM. I'm using a Congo Jnr (Software I/O Firmware via the internal DMX ports and I'm not having any luck. I've switched on RDM in DMX settings, and "RDM Discovery Enabled" in Console settings but nothing shows up under RDM devices. I've tried two of the Enttec boxes, which are set up as per the manual for RDM addressing. Is there anything else to do, or any tricks to this?

  • I have heard disparaging remarks about Enttec's implementation of RDM. Specifically, that it will work with their RDM software but has difficulty working with other manufactures equipment. Maybe your question should be directed at Enttec.
  • After further testing I'm going to have to agree with you. I thought I didn't have any other RDM hardware to test with, but it turns out another unit I had did, which popped up as expected the second it was connected. I'll contact Enttec support as it kind of makes the Aleph nearly unusable as the 8 bit dimming curve is horrible. I was doing a shoot out of various LED drivers we had in one place so it was a pity I couldn't try the 16-bit mode.
  • After further testing I'm going to have to agree with you. I thought I didn't have any other RDM hardware to test with, but it turns out another unit I had did, which popped up as expected the second it was connected. I'll contact Enttec support as it kind of makes the Aleph nearly unusable as the 8 bit dimming curve is horrible. I was doing a shoot out of various LED drivers we had in one place so it was a pity I couldn't try the 16-bit mode.