paramètre roue U1


Il y a une petite choses qui m'échappe concernant les roues U1 U2....

Pour minimiser le nombre de touches à appuyer en Live je voulais mettre la vitesse de mes effets directement sur la page U1 au lieu d'U3. j'appuies donc sur modify+la roue 3 de la page U1 , ce qui ouvre un onglet "liste des paramètres de roue U1 je place en page 4 roue 3 "Rate*(E)" mais la rien ne se passe .

Quelqu'un peut m'expliquer ou est mon erreur?


  • Hi - U1-U3 behave differently when effect playbacks are selected - the normal mapping of U1-U3 is replaced specifically with the mapping for effect playbacks themselves. It's never possible to use the custom mapping of U1-U3 on effect playbacks because of this, so it doesn't make sense to allow the effect parameters to take up space on those custom pages. Are you using Cobalt software? We have found that using the Device Controls Dock on the ALL page is much faster for controlling effects overall, without any paging. If you prefer to use an encoder for rate (which does make sense) then you can find it on the U3 page when an effect playback is selected. Thanks much - Sarah
  • Hi - U1-U3 behave differently when effect playbacks are selected - the normal mapping of U1-U3 is replaced specifically with the mapping for effect playbacks themselves. It's never possible to use the custom mapping of U1-U3 on effect playbacks because of this, so it doesn't make sense to allow the effect parameters to take up space on those custom pages. Are you using Cobalt software? We have found that using the Device Controls Dock on the ALL page is much faster for controlling effects overall, without any paging. If you prefer to use an encoder for rate (which does make sense) then you can find it on the U3 page when an effect playback is selected. Thanks much - Sarah
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