Cobalt on Mac - only offline mode possible

Hi everyone!

I have just installed Cobalt for Mac (V 7.1.1) on my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.10.1) without problems. I have also installed the SACN and the HASP Driver package.
I want to test the Software with an old Congo Client dongle.

When I start the Cobalt Software I have only the following options at the start-up screen: "Start Offline", "System settings" and "Quit". "Start Server" does not appear.

Does anyone have an idea why I can´t start Cobalt as an server (with 256 outputs)? Is there a way to check if the Dongle is working correctly?

Thanks in advance, all the best



  • Hi Gerrit - Here's your problem > "I want to test the Software with an old Congo Client dongle." The old client dongle will only work as a Nomad dongle on a PC. Mac is supported with the new universal dongle (different hardware). To use your Mac as a server you will need to invest in a new Nomad dongle. Thanks much - Sarah
  • How could I see if my hardware key works for iOS? I had two diffrent hardware keys, old purlpe and a "new" small green one. I belive the old purple one is to old, but how is´t with the green one. ;)
  • uhm, you mean macOS (formerly known as OSX), right? iOS is for iPad, iPhone and iPod.
    *goes and hides because he has not the faintest idea about apple products...*
  • Yepp, it should be macOS... Not an Apple guy, lot´s of trouble to understand macOS/iOS and a chewed apple on the back... :)
  • The green one should work and possibly also the purple one (there have been a few different ones). To be really sure, try them in an actual Mac.
  • Have tried both now, no one works ... Now we have ordered a new one and hope that it works as it should.
  • The v8 installer for Mac should install the dongle driver needed to access the dongles on Mac. Have you tested the v7.3.1 version for Mac with the same dongles? In v7.3.1, you have to manually install the dongle driver. I wonder if there is a problem in v8 in some situation.
  • I just test the v7.3.1 one, and no success... I can test the driver for v8 later.
  • So, you tried running 7.3.1 with both dongles and it didn't work?
    When installing 7.3.1, there is a separate application for the dongle driver that you have to double click to install. It would be interesting to see if the dongles work better after that.
  • After I installed 7.3.1 I installed "ACN" and then "Sentinel"-driver. Now I also tried V8 beta and it would not found non of my dongle.

    We get a package from Intersonic tomorrow with another dongle working on MacBook... so we can eliminate dongleproblem or if it´s a macOS faeture. ;)
  • Good! Keep us updated.
Reply Children
  • New borrowed dongel works fine... So I need to bought a new one to run on a Mac.
  • Hi, I have a congo jr (7.3.1) with 3076 outputs, and a nomad usb dongle with 2048 outputs,
    so i need to operate a system with 32 universes but with a low need number of patched channels shared to 32 universes
    my board can share just 12 universes, i now that i can use my board as client with sever my computer with the dongle nomad to have the 32 universes that i need and the flexibility of the console
    but my computer is a mac OS X and I can't connect my console as client on my mac for some reason
    actually the client option does not start up screen (I have tried in a windows based computer and it works fine)
    the version of the cobalt software on my mac is 7.3.1 also....
    any solution for client connection on mac server? or any idea of how can I expand the boards universes?