New Cobalt device library update now available!

Hi all -

There's a new library update available for download on the website here. Scroll to the bottom of that page to get to the file. Among other updates, this library includes templates for the new Source Four LED Series 2 Daylight HD and Tungsten HD luminaires. A full listing of the contents of the library is attached to this post (note this is NOT the library updater itself, just the list of what's in the update - use the link above to get to the updater itself, please.)



  • Thanks Sarah, It'd be be great to know if there are any changes/updates to existing profiles within this (and for future updates); i/e an update notes document. I'm specifically interested in colour calibration/ Gel matching on the S4 series2 LEDs, but other users may have different profiles that they use and need to be aware of changes that are made.

    What happens to a fixture that is using a profile, when this update is applied? Does the new profile overwrite the old one, with corresponding changes, or is there a version number for each profile in order to choose which one is used?
    I.e. if I'm using an older version of profile with Gel selection, and I update the desk with this library, IF there's any colour changes within the profile will it affect my show file, or new shows? Or will this only happen if I create a new template for each fixture?

    I hope my question was clear.

  • Thanks Sarah, It'd be be great to know if there are any changes/updates to existing profiles within this (and for future updates); i/e an update notes document. I'm specifically interested in colour calibration/ Gel matching on the S4 series2 LEDs, but other users may have different profiles that they use and need to be aware of changes that are made.

    What happens to a fixture that is using a profile, when this update is applied? Does the new profile overwrite the old one, with corresponding changes, or is there a version number for each profile in order to choose which one is used?
    I.e. if I'm using an older version of profile with Gel selection, and I update the desk with this library, IF there's any colour changes within the profile will it affect my show file, or new shows? Or will this only happen if I create a new template for each fixture?

    I hope my question was clear.

  • Hi Ric - Firstly, we do our best not to change fixtures in material ways without telling you about it. :-) In this latest update there are no material changes to any fixtures including color information.

    It is possible that color calibration data will be updated in a fixture library updater or regular software release. In this case, the update will only affect color picker/gel picker actions and will not change any preexisting recorded data or fades (like palettes, effects or presets). Color calibration information is not stored in the show file, it's retrieved from the library directly, so it is possible that a gel color picked from the gel picker and stored to a palette with an older library might look different from that gel number applied from the gel picker with the new library installed. It would then be your choice to update the palette to use the new mix, if it looks better in your show. Make sense?

    Thanks much - Sarah

  • Hi Sarah, Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, it does make sense. I'm probably anticipating issues that are not likely to ever be a problem, but it's good to know how it's going to work. Cheers,