Cobalt vs WYSIWYG


I try to connect a Congo Jr., with Cobalt software, to a WIN XP laptop but until now I din´t succed. With the same console , if I use the Congo software I manage to work with console and see on the laptop what I'm doing, but if I use the Cobalt software there is no connection between Congo and laptop. I use the PING and both laptop and console recognize and say everything it's ok, but no connection appear when I use the Live Tab on the WYSIWYG.

What I have to do to solve this little problem with Cobalt software???


Pedro Alves

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  • Hi Sarah.

    The settings are almost the same. The difference is that in Congo we've got the "Avab IPX" box to check and on Cobalt there isn't. When I switch to Congo the first time I can't also connect to WYG but after I check to ON the Avab IPX box all works normally.

    On the Cobalt manual we've got this:

    "Preparations in Cobalt

    1. Set "Avab IPX" to "ON" in the Login Settings.

    2. Set the WYSIWY/Sandnet/Capture Link to "ON" in the System Settings.

    See System Settings - Output."

    My question is were in the Login Settings we can do this???? I've been search for this for a long time but I can't find it.

    Also on the manual you can find this:

    "Visualisation - WYSIWYG

    In the computer hosting WYSIWYG There is an Avab Driver for WYSIWYG that needs to be

    installed. Also, you need to make sure IPX is active and that the frame type is set to 802.3.

    1. Make sure that you have WYSIWYG Rel. 7 or later installed on your PC (Avab Vista dongles need

    the Console Edition (CE) version).

    2. Download the setup.exe file from Execute setup.exe to start the installation.

    Follow the instructions on screen."

    The question is where on your site I can find this setup file??? I search but only find some PDF's files explain what to do. I've already have an Avab driver but maybe isn't correct for the Cobalt software so I like tor try another Avab driver.

    Thanks again for your quick reply

    Pedro Alves

  • Hi Pedro -

    AutoFocus is not supported in Cobalt as it requires the IPX protocol, which is also not supported in Cobalt. This is because the IPX protocol is not supported in Windows 7, the base operating system for Cobalt consoles.

    You can connect to visualizers via network protocols such as sACN and ArtNet (and I believe EDMX is still supported by WYSIWYG - this protocol is available on Cobalt console hardware but not on Nomad systems) but the interactive connection to WYG is no longer supported. If you have a Congo system (as you do) that still uses the Windows XPe image, you can use the Congo software to connect to WYG in that way. If you upgrade your Congo jr or Congo kid console to the Windows 7 image, IPX will no longer be supported and this type of connection to WYG will no longer be there.

    Thanks much -


  • Hi Sarah Last night I try again to connect the WYg to CongoJr with Cobalt and you're right. With EDMX I can see what I'm doing even without the connection of the Live Tab of the WYG. I can't connect the virtual Congo Jr on the WYG with the Cobalt software but, as you said, if I patch all fixtures on the WYG with EDMX I can work with no problem. Sorry but now I've got some silly questions. If I use a PC with Cobalt offline and a laptop with WYG can I see what I'm doing??? They will be connected on my home network so what I need to do?? Do I have to use the same IP that I use now with Congo consoles ??? Is there some problem if I use a wireless network or I have to use an ethernet cable?? Thanks Pedro Alves
  • With Offline (or Nomad) you will need to use a visualiser that supports either Art-Net or sACN and enable this in Cobalt System Settings (and your visualisation package).

    - If your computers have more than one network connection (eg wired and wifi) then you'll need to enable the right one in Cobalt System Settings and of course in the visualisation settings.

    In most domestic situations this is all you need, as both computers will have already been given a suitable IP by the router.

    You can use sACNView to check if sACN is getting across the network - again, be sure to choose the right network card!
    I believe there are similar programs for Art-Net.

    While WiFi tends to have quite long (and unpredictable) latency, this won't really matter for visualisation.
