Cobalt spreadsheet editing - copy multiple values? Delete multiple presets?


I have a couple questions about spreadsheet editing in Cobalt.  I am running on a Congo Kid and am running 7.1.1.

The first question is about deleting presets.. can I delete multiple presets in one go?  And is there any easier workflow than deleting presets from the Preset List?  I know that [DELETE] & [A] will remove the sequence step in A, but it doesn't remove the preset..  Is there a way to do both without changing views?  Switching to the preset view feels clunky because it doesn't open to the preset that I'm currently on, so I have to scroll and find the preset i want to delete..  Guessing there must be a better way :-)

Second question is about spreadsheet editing, specifically when using Track to enter attribute values and intensities.  The LD for the project I was programming added a new instrument to the plot, and asked for its values to be set to mirror another control channels values in all existing cues.  I selected both channels (the source I was copying, and the new channel) and used [TRACK] & [CH] to track the channel intensity values through the play.  It was then easy to arrow through the list and copy the values by hand, but I found myself wondering why I couldn't select the column of values from the source instrument and copy all those intensities over to the desitnation column in the same spreadsheet.  I tried a couple key combinations to do this, but nothing worked, and the manual for Cobalt doesn't talk about this situation that I could find..  So -- is there a way to do this in spreadsheet editing, or is there another more effective way?  I had a couple hundred cues to copy values into, and though it only took a few minutes, it seems like there might be an easier way..

Enjoying my Congo Kid alot in general, and really loving the flexibility that it gives me!

Thanks for the help!

