Cobalt Nomad with XK 60 on mac

Hi All,

I'm having 2 slight issues with my Nomad setup.

I'm running OSX 10.9.5 with Cobalt

I went and got a xk60 to sort out ease of pre-plot; and on a pc I've used it seems to be running fine (except windows 7 suddenly forgot how to output to the etc gadget one time, that was fun. running this week on my laptop because of mobility, all the keys seem to work except the insert key on the red layer, when pressed it changes the mouse cursor to a "?". I need it as the current show reuses many cues across the show.

The other issue I seemed to run into today was I suddenly lost control after changing my soft patch; could that be that i had the output tab open in the background?

Any tips or fixes?



  • Hi there -

    Am I reading it correctly that you are using an X-Keys configured for a Windows install with a Mac? That's going to be your problem since the Mac shortcuts are, in some cases, different. Insert would be the prime example. I think you'll need to update the programming of the X-Keys panel to provide the correct command for the Mac Insert function.

    Regarding the other issue, what does "lost control" mean? Did the X-Keys stop working (entering commands, I mean)? If you find yourself in this situation again, please press ESC to see if control returns. If it was something else, could you describe the symptoms in a little more detail?

    Thanks much!


  • Hi there -

    Am I reading it correctly that you are using an X-Keys configured for a Windows install with a Mac? That's going to be your problem since the Mac shortcuts are, in some cases, different. Insert would be the prime example. I think you'll need to update the programming of the X-Keys panel to provide the correct command for the Mac Insert function.

    Regarding the other issue, what does "lost control" mean? Did the X-Keys stop working (entering commands, I mean)? If you find yourself in this situation again, please press ESC to see if control returns. If it was something else, could you describe the symptoms in a little more detail?

    Thanks much!

