Changing Master Page banks from a sequence

Hi All,

I'm rebuilding my default show & setup. I originally had a macro on the Congo which would do a soft reset of my master pages.
i.e resetting Page 1 to the lower bank of faders & page 2 to the top bank of faders.
I'm pretty familiar with loading Master links on a sequence step to change sequence etc. to individual faders, but is there a way to change pages directly for all fader banks, not just 1-20?
The Sequence step has a 'Page' column, but this will just load a Master page into bank 1-20, not 21-40, or our extended fader wing of 41-60.

Can this also allow us to do a flying fader bank swap as an option?; i.e. another column on a sequence step marked 'Flip' or similar.

If not, can this be requested for the next version?

  • Hi Ric!

    Action Macros are your friends here - instead of linking a step to a master page, use an Action Macro on that step instead. The text you want to type to set pages is PAGE #,n where # is the master page number you want to load and "n" is either 1,2,3 or 4 to indicate which bank of masters you want to load it to. 1 being masters 1-20, 2 being masters 21-40 and so on. So, an action macro to reset all the masters to pages 1-4 would look like this:

    PAGE 1,1;Page 2,2;Page 3,3;Page 4,4

    You can set any bank of masters to any page you like on any step you like using this method. 

    And, as a bonus, in the next version you can place action macros onto direct select buttons as well, so you won't need a sequence step or other external trigger to execute the page swap.

    Hope this helps!


  • Hi Ric!

    Action Macros are your friends here - instead of linking a step to a master page, use an Action Macro on that step instead. The text you want to type to set pages is PAGE #,n where # is the master page number you want to load and "n" is either 1,2,3 or 4 to indicate which bank of masters you want to load it to. 1 being masters 1-20, 2 being masters 21-40 and so on. So, an action macro to reset all the masters to pages 1-4 would look like this:

    PAGE 1,1;Page 2,2;Page 3,3;Page 4,4

    You can set any bank of masters to any page you like on any step you like using this method. 

    And, as a bonus, in the next version you can place action macros onto direct select buttons as well, so you won't need a sequence step or other external trigger to execute the page swap.

    Hope this helps!

