(Color) Palette Wizard by type rather than per fixture?

Hi all,

I'm playing around with the Palette Wizard today & adding a new fixture type into my existing Color Palettes. The Palette Wizard is super handy for creating a large range of palettes quickly, but it seems to default to creating palettes by Each Fixture rather than by Device Type. Am I missing a more elegant way to get what I want, which is a slew of Beam and Color Palettes by type, merged into existing palettes?


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  • Hi Jim -

    Select one of your new lights, mix the required color, type # RECORD & COLOR (or use the direct select panel - RecordDS, then touch/click the palette you want to add this type to). In the dialog, ensure that the correct palette # was entered/selected, that the "By Device Type" option is selected, and that the "Merge with Existing" option is selected (not REPLACE!). This will add the new type to the existing palette. (The example is for a color palette, but the theory is the same for all palette types.)

    Thanks -
