Grand Master below 100% on start up

Congo Jr running Cobalt 7.1.1

Started the desk up a few days into a show run. Brought some lights up and houselights but things looked Dim onstage and auditorium. When i checked an independent with the houselights on winding it to "full" only let it go to 61%

I checked the Grand master incase it had been moved but it was physically at full . Taking it to zero and back up immediately popped the GM pill-box up on the top of the monitors. It would only go to 61% as a max though.

Jumped onto the console mimic and took the GM to full there which at least set things to full. if i moved the physical GM though it would drop the level to some arbitrary levels but never to full.

I took the mimic back to full and restarted the desk and didn't see the problem again.

It's unlikely that anyone had started the desk in my abscence and certain the GM fader was up at start up.

Curious as to what may have caused it
