Cobalt device library v11.4.1 now posted to the web site

Hi all -

We've posted a library update to the web site. You can get the file here.

Thanks much!


  • Hi Sarah,
    Do you know if there's been any changes with colour on the Source 4 series 2 Lustrs?
    Before I change libraries halfway through plotted shows I'd like to be sure either way.
  • The Library Contents "Calib." column gives the Cobalt Fixture Library version where the color calibration data was added/updated.
    - Some of these version numbers may be internal unpublished ones, they are in order.
    (There are a few that simply say "Yes", which means they were calibrated before Cobalt.)

    The Source 4 LED Series 2 Lustr was updated back in library v10.6.0 as we discovered some errata in the previous calibration capture.

    Please be assured that updating the library cannot affect any existing show data.

    Updates to fixture templates are not used unless/until you manually import the new template into your show file and individually update each device from the library.
    - So you can safely import a new template to take a look at it.

    Cobalt records and fades in the fixture's native mode, so existing data cannot be affected by updates to color calibration data.
    (This isn't the case on Eos 2.3 as it uses the calibration data to calculate the non-native fade paths. Cobalt doesn't do that just yet!)

    The Color Picker (inc. the 'virtual' Hue* and Sat* attributes) and Gel Picker may change.
    You can of course simply record the color mixes you use as a Color Palette - you can do this afterwards as long as there's any Preset with the color recorded.

  • The Library Contents "Calib." column gives the Cobalt Fixture Library version where the color calibration data was added/updated.
    - Some of these version numbers may be internal unpublished ones, they are in order.
    (There are a few that simply say "Yes", which means they were calibrated before Cobalt.)

    The Source 4 LED Series 2 Lustr was updated back in library v10.6.0 as we discovered some errata in the previous calibration capture.

    Please be assured that updating the library cannot affect any existing show data.

    Updates to fixture templates are not used unless/until you manually import the new template into your show file and individually update each device from the library.
    - So you can safely import a new template to take a look at it.

    Cobalt records and fades in the fixture's native mode, so existing data cannot be affected by updates to color calibration data.
    (This isn't the case on Eos 2.3 as it uses the calibration data to calculate the non-native fade paths. Cobalt doesn't do that just yet!)

    The Color Picker (inc. the 'virtual' Hue* and Sat* attributes) and Gel Picker may change.
    You can of course simply record the color mixes you use as a Color Palette - you can do this afterwards as long as there's any Preset with the color recorded.

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