touchosc ipad layout

i would like to connect cobalt on pc with a ipad with touch osc with the congo.touchosc layout and with explications it's not running can you help me. thanks

  • In Cobalt you have to set Play Settings -> Show Control.

    You have to check that OSC is activate and set input/output ports. (Remember that the output port in touch OSC should be the input port on the console) The Output IPs should be the IP address of your ipad.

    In touch OSC the host is the console ip address, the ports should be set up as above ZeroConf name can be blank.

    All standard networking rules apply, make sure the subnets are allowing communication.

  • i have a router wireless in the ipad in and the set up in midi show control in cobalt i have incoming 8000 and out coming 7000 and the output port in touch osc is the input port in the soft;
    when i move the fader in cobalt it move the fader in the touchosc layout but not the reverse
  • As this is an ETCnomad, you'll need to ensure you've chosen and enabled the right network card in System Settings.
    It's best to enable it for both WiFi Remote and UDP Strings.

    What is the IP address of the Cobalt? (Browser > About > About Cobalt > Networking tab)
    You also have to set this in TouchOSC - both ends must know the IP address of the other.

    If that isn't the issue, then you'll need to check your network itself:

    There has to be a "route" in both directions. Cobalt > Wireless > iPad and iPad > Wireless > Cobalt.
    There are several ways to do this. Usually your iPad will automatically get its IP address, subnet and gateway by DHCP.
    This can either come from the console (using a wireless access point), or from the router (if you use a wireless router as a router)

    If your iPad has cellular data (mobile internet) or you're using a phone, do not use IP addresses like "2.#.#.#".
    These IP addresses are used by the Internet, and so your iPad may be connecting to the internet via 3G/4G cellular and be sending the fader moves somewhere out in the wilds of the Internet.

    ETC recommend IP addresses like "10.#.#.#" (ETC factory default for consoles) or "192.168.#.#" (the default on domestic WiFi routers)

    - You can confirm if the underlying network is ok using the free iRFR Preview app. If that app can't see the console then it's probably a network issue.

  • every think is ok now it was a firewall problem. oups. Can i use the limited broadcast in artnet output protocole if i use 10.X.X.X
    Do you know if i can found a layout like Eos_TouchOSC-2.touchosc for the cobalt.
  • Some people have been sharing on the Cobalt Facebook programmers page.