Bug discovered in version Congo senior.


There is a bug when working with effects in Cobalt with congo senior.

If you mouse click in device control or using keys in ml display (working with content effects), then browser or live buttons are dead.

The only way to work around this is to mouse click on "browser-dock" or "live-dock". otherwise it feels like congo has freeezed.

Hope this problem disappears in version 7.2

/thanks Fredrik

  • Hi Frederik -

    Thanks very much for this information. We would like to ask for additional details -

    when this happens, do you see a focused tab or dock on the screen (gold tab AND gold outline of the whole tab or dock)? If you see a focused tab or dock, would pressing ESC clear the condition and free up the keypad again?

    Thanks much -


  • I was trying today to recall this bug, but i did not succeed.

    But i have got this bug several times over the last year.

    So this is from my memory, bu i am pretty sure on this matter:
    When the problem occurs, the live tab or browser tab are not focused. When this happens next time i can give you a note on this matter.

  • I was trying today to recall this bug, but i did not succeed.

    But i have got this bug several times over the last year.

    So this is from my memory, bu i am pretty sure on this matter:
    When the problem occurs, the live tab or browser tab are not focused. When this happens next time i can give you a note on this matter.

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