Fader looses fader settings. (is this a bug)


Today i worked with the function "fader settings".

I Tried to load a fader with groups, channels and preset including a single beam parameter like "Gobo rotation". 

1 question:  If i press C/Alt + masterkey.  Is this command supposed to clear also fader settings? Example : Return to (FCB) = OFF (i had it on previious before i cleared)

2. I did try this also:  1 clear fader settings, 2 set return to fob previous, 3 load a preset. 

When i did this 3:rd step it resulted in clearing fader settings. That can't be normal is it? 

Thanks in advance


  • Hi Fredrik -

    Cobalt applied different default settings when different types of data are loaded to a master. So if you load a group, change the settings, then load a preset onto that same master it is very likely that the settings will be changed. If you loaded a new group instead of that preset, I believe the settings should stay as you had set them for the first group.

    As an FYI, you do not need to clear the master before assigning new content. You can, but it's just an extra step. Settings made to an empty master I would expect to be lost upon loading new content. Load the content first, then make the settings.

    Thanks much -


  • Thank you for answering.
    There is one thing i do not understand.
    Why isn't the fader fading down the attributes in fader setting "off mode" as default?

    If i have a preset with gobo rotation but with no intensity it leaves the rotation value at full even if i
    lower the fader. I guess there is a reason for this, but maybe it would be more logical if every function had the same result.

    Example: A group, channel or preset  lowers intenscity value, as standard, as following fader. Maybe "FCB" should do that as well.
    And if you want the opposite this would be optional in fader settings.

    Thanks in advance /Fredrik

  • Hi Fredrik -

    This is how the system is designed. As a default, an entire look will be played back intensity+FCB when you raise the fader. The LTP (FCB) parameters will stay in their end position and only intensity will be lowered on moving the fader back down to zero. To counteract this default behavior, use the Return To settings to choose where the LTP functions should go when you fade back down - back to the previous state, to another preset or to the main playback. This setup allows everyone to get the fader behavior they need when they need it.

    Thanks much -

