Multi fixtures


Some one told me it's possible to convert some fixtures to multi fixtures and I wonder how it's done.

I have Robe Robin 600 LED Wash that have 3 circles with LEDs, and would prefer to have them as multi fixtures in stead of all colors 3 times in Color.


  • Yes, indeed you can!

    Most of these types of fixtures have both "grouped" and "multi" modes, so you'll need to put the fixture into one of the "multi" modes.
    - For the Robe Robin 600 LEDWash modes 1 and 5 are the "multi".

    Then import the template for this mode from the Extended Library (default).

    This will import the "main" template and one or more 'part' templates that are used for the subsections
    (The Patch Wizard shows the 'part' templates in brackets)

    Now patch the 'main' fixture template to a channel.

    You'll now see a 'global' (.0) channel, plus decimal (.1 to .x) channels for each subsection of the fixture.
    (You can hide the decimals if you like)

    Select the whole thing with # [CH]* or [CH] # [.][.]**
    Just the 'global' (Intensity, pan, tilt etc) with #.0 [CH] or [CH]#[.][0][.][.]
    A single ring with #.# [CH] or [CH] # [.] # [.][.]
    A specific part of all selected multi-part fixtures with [.] # [CH] or [CH][.] # [.][.]

    * Avab syntax
    ** At Mode syntax

  • Yes, indeed you can!

    Most of these types of fixtures have both "grouped" and "multi" modes, so you'll need to put the fixture into one of the "multi" modes.
    - For the Robe Robin 600 LEDWash modes 1 and 5 are the "multi".

    Then import the template for this mode from the Extended Library (default).

    This will import the "main" template and one or more 'part' templates that are used for the subsections
    (The Patch Wizard shows the 'part' templates in brackets)

    Now patch the 'main' fixture template to a channel.

    You'll now see a 'global' (.0) channel, plus decimal (.1 to .x) channels for each subsection of the fixture.
    (You can hide the decimals if you like)

    Select the whole thing with # [CH]* or [CH] # [.][.]**
    Just the 'global' (Intensity, pan, tilt etc) with #.0 [CH] or [CH]#[.][0][.][.]
    A single ring with #.# [CH] or [CH] # [.] # [.][.]
    A specific part of all selected multi-part fixtures with [.] # [CH] or [CH][.] # [.][.]

    * Avab syntax
    ** At Mode syntax
