Congo/Cobalt dmx universe 2 issue and centre monitor not working???

Hi all, Trying to run Universe 2 @ 1-512 dmx on Congo/Cobalt.  Machine will not recognise this only 513. Also centre Monitor not live even though selected on and tried different cable/monitor.  Thinking the desk requires a service but any advice welcome before I do...any thoughts please!!!

  • Hi Pete -

    In versions 7.1.1 and earlier, you set an absolute address on the DMX ports to set their universe and starting address. 513 = Universe 2 DMX 1.

    Can you be more specific about your center monitor? Is it not displaying anything and not connecting to the console? Can you check in the System Settings (from the welcome screen) how many monitors the system is set up for? If this is displaying "2" that would explain why one monitor won't connect. If this is displaying 3 or more, then the problem is elsewhere.

    Are you using a Congo console? If not, please let us know which one you are using.

    Thanks -


  • Hi Pete -

    In versions 7.1.1 and earlier, you set an absolute address on the DMX ports to set their universe and starting address. 513 = Universe 2 DMX 1.

    Can you be more specific about your center monitor? Is it not displaying anything and not connecting to the console? Can you check in the System Settings (from the welcome screen) how many monitors the system is set up for? If this is displaying "2" that would explain why one monitor won't connect. If this is displaying 3 or more, then the problem is elsewhere.

    Are you using a Congo console? If not, please let us know which one you are using.

    Thanks -

