Group. Channel entry order. V7.2


I'm wanting to do a content colour chase with one of my groups. Previously I've had a channel order with my group but I don't seem to have it with this version of software. 

I've tried a variety of ways of recoding the group. 

I've made a channel set now but wondered if it was still possible to do this so I don't have to duplicate groups and channel sets.

Any advice welcome.


  • Hi Gareth,

    I'm still seeing it work as normal here. For example:

    Channel 1 + 5 + 2 + 4 + 3

    1 Record Group

    Creates a group with a channel order 1 5 2 4 3, which takes that order when I run a content effect on it.

    To check your order do Modify&Group, the order is listed in the spreadsheet.

    If you're still having trouble email your showfile to with a note on which groups/effects are the problem.


  • Hi
    Thanks for the reply Tom. It seemed to be something to do with the show file. Not sure of its origins. I've cleared the desk and started work on a new show and all is fine now. Thanks.
  • Hi
    Thanks for the reply Tom. It seemed to be something to do with the show file. Not sure of its origins. I've cleared the desk and started work on a new show and all is fine now. Thanks.
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