OSC Template output

falling down an OSC rabbithole... I can get parameters to output OSC fine, but I can't seem to get the intensity of a device to output.via osc, is that possible? It allows me to type in a string to the intensity channel but it doesn't send anything. As a workaround I tried to link a phantom parameter to fade with intensity, but that didnt work either.

Is there any way to report the intensity of a device via OSC?

  • Hello Jason, wait Cobalt 7.3 to have more OSC functions. Cobalt is not an Eos, and OSC functions are differents, sorry Ueli.
    I have sent a question about this a few days ago, and Anders has replied waiting 7,3.
  • Yeah 7.3 is adding a lot of really cool capabilities, but it doesn't look like its touching the OSC from a fixture template. I was just wondering if anyone was able to get it to work with the intensity channel in the current release.

    Here is my mad scientist application, I want to take Cobalt's DMX IN capability and have it run a master. Currently DMX IN only works with intensity levels on channels. If Template OSC worked with those intensities I can map a device to output /master/fader/1 Float 0-1, loop the OSC signal back to itself and I'm in business. I have done this with attributes as a proof of concept and it works, Cobalt will listen to itself and I can control a Master Level by moving a fixture's pan.

    The end result would be the ability for any dmx device to become an interface for Cobalt. In my application I would be using a show sequencer that outputs DMX to trigger events on Cobalt but with the concept you could run a two scene preset as a fader wing or have touring consoles interface with a house Cobalt with more capability.

    Of course I am probably just overthinking things... because I do that...
  • Hi,

    The OSC parameter function in the template only works on LTP parameters, not Intensities that are HTP.

    Sorry. Your scheme sounds interesting though!
  • An Update... I have no idea how I got it to work... but I got it to work. I seemed to fail three times in a row and all of a sudden it started working.

    Maybe I hit a bug, but its a bug that works for me!
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