How do I record just intensity in my moving lights onto a fader?

When it saves as a sequence it records position and when I throw my group into a master it doesn't do anything. Any help would be appreciated. I am still new to working on the Cobalt and learning a new syntax is a process!

  • Hi there -

    Groups store intensity information as well. I expect you are not setting an intensity level before you record your groups. Just bring them to the desired levels, select them, then record the group. When you place the group on a master playback, the fader and flash key will bring up those recorded intensities.

    If you don't raise levels on selected channels before you record a group, the group will be recorded with marked intensity ("M").

    Hope this helps -

    Thanks --


  • Hi there -

    Groups store intensity information as well. I expect you are not setting an intensity level before you record your groups. Just bring them to the desired levels, select them, then record the group. When you place the group on a master playback, the fader and flash key will bring up those recorded intensities.

    If you don't raise levels on selected channels before you record a group, the group will be recorded with marked intensity ("M").

    Hope this helps -

    Thanks --

