Cobalt V7.3 on Congo Sr has several glitches


I just updated to Cobalt 7.3 on my Congo Sr. and a couple of problems immediately arose:

1 On-board keyboard no longer appears on faceplate

2 My direct selects on the congo faceplate simply don't work.  I can record them and label them, but when I want to recall a position or color, they don't recall.  On-screen direct selects don't recall parameter info either...

I can record presets in a sequence so thankfully I can limp through the show tonight, but my punting ability is gone...

Any suggestions?  I tried to go back to 7.2, but it said I have to remove the 7.3 version first... Does that mean re-imaging my drive and starting from there?



  • Hi Ethan,

    There do appear to be a couple of bugs related to the Congo facepanel introduced in 7.3.0.

    Regarding item 2, our experience is that, yes, the buttons will not directly recall a palette, but those same palettes can be recalled using [#][Focus]/[Color]/[Beam]/[Palette] as well as using the master button if the palette is loaded to a master.

    The Direct Select dock on screen not working isn't something that I've been able to reproduce. As long as you have the fixtures selected and the palette has data for those fixtures/fixture types (shown by the text of the button turning bold Yellow), you should be able to recall palettes by selecting the direct select on screen.

    I understand your frustration and we are working on a solution, but I do not have a timeline for that solution. If you wish to downgrade back to 7.2.0, you will need to follow the following process:

    1. Save your show.
    2. Exit to System Settings, navigate to the Update tab and re-run the Cobalt 7.3.0 Installer
    3. Choose to Remove Cobalt 7.3.0 and follow the on screen prompts.
    4. After the various restarts, navigate to System Settings and run the Cobalt 7.2.0 Installer
      1. The Cobalt 7.2.0 installer has been archived from the main site but is available from this direct link:
    5. Follow the on screen prompts and allow the console to reinstall the software and reboot.
    6. Open your saved show.

    Please note that downgrading to 7.2 does reintroduce the known issues in that version (for Congo specifically: RDM and Remotes may not function as intended).

  • Hi,

    You're right, the on-screen direct selects work. Thanks.

    I'm going back to 7.2 until these new bugs get fixed... Thanks!
