Proposals for a new version of the Cobalt

Good afternoon!
Any ideas on how to add new features Cobalt.


It would be nice to have ability to set fade/delay times for effects inside a sequence, just the same way as CH TIME. And as soon as effect's intensity is above zero, it should be recorded automatically into new subsequent step — so I'd only set fade/delay times when necessary.
Effect times could be also displayed graphically as progress bars in a playback view (next to FCB and channel time bars).


It would be good to have a feature for changing button press (touch) behavior for groups or palettes in Direct Select Dock, for example:
- on/off toggle mode (when I press a button, it switches between 0% and 100% — valid for both group and palette buttons)
- Increment mode (e.g. add 5% each time a button gets hit)
- Slide mode (default mode — what we have now for groups, e.g. hold'n'slide with a finger for intensity control, but make it also work for palettes — so I could apply palettes gradually)
- Flash mode (bump up to 100% and stay at 100% as long as button remains pressed — valid for both group and palette buttons)

Having this thing configurable for each Direct Select Dock location (1-4) would add flexibility for busking and would make the Direct Select Dock more functional.
