Congo\Cobalt questions

Hi all.

We've got a Congo Sr and some Congo Jr, all with Cobalt V7. Finally we've got a chance to work with bar leds of Showtec (Led Pixel Track on mode2) using a Jr.

So I've got some questions about this "new" thing that is multi part channels:

- All the led bars are working in a vertical position but half are with the display at the bottom and the other half with the display at the top. So, for example, if the first one is channel 1(address 1.2-24.2) the last will be the 10(address 217.2-240.2). When I select the channels 1.1+2.1+....+9.1+10.1 and put to full what I see is 5 led at the top and 5 leds at bottom. If I go to Browser>Patching>Device List I see the address of the all bars but I can't change the order of the this address.

So my question is how I can put the address 1.2 on channel1.4, the address 7.2 on channel 1.3 and so on? I've already read the manual of this bars and they don't have an "invert" dimmer. How can I "invert" some multi part device when is up side down???

- After I select channel 1 thru 10 and put them to full, for instance, I press the C/Alt key and then the CH/ID to supposedly deselect all the channels but all of the cannels without a #.# stay selected ( ch 1 is select but the ch 1.1 isn't) . To clear this channels I've got to select another channel and then prees again the C/Alt key and CH/ID key. Why this happen??? why the channels without "." of the multipart device remain select????

- In this show we use a lot of Chase Effects and at some moment we've got the Effect 21 with a chase running with a rate of 300. On the next preset we want this same chase to run with a rate of 50 but we want this transition in 15 sec. What happen is as soon we press the GO the rate instantly change to 50 not in the 15 sec we need. I clicked on the Effect column of the Main Playback to open the Preset Attribute Editor and put the 15 sec on time and confirm that is On Go at the GoOnGo column.

So the question is how can I put a rate do slow down in some time??? If we can have an attribute time different of a step time in sequence why can't we do the same for the Effects atributes???

      About Congo Sr. the virtual keyboard on the console, on the master display, still don't happear. Isn't this suposed to be fix with this new update of V7.

Waiting for some response and thanking already

Pedro Alves

  • Quick reply about the virtual keyboard: Yes, this is supposed to work in Do you have an external keyboard connected as well?
    Do you have some more information about when it isn't working?
  • Hi Anders.

    Just to say that yes we've got an external wireless keyboard.

    I notice that isn't working when I record a Preset and with the box to confirm the record open I can write the preset name that I want but only with external keyboard. I try after with Groups and Palettes and is always the same thing, I can use the external keyboard but not the virtual because isn't there.

    Thanks four your replay

    Pedro Alves
  • Does the virtual keyboard work when you disconnect the external keyboard? It is only intended to be shown when there is no other keyboard connected.
  • OK. I'll try tomorrow when I go to the venue to start put on another play.

    But on Congo Jr even with keyboard connect the virtual keyboard appear.

    Pedro Alves
  • Hi. Anders

    Just to say that with the external keyboard disconnected the virtual keyboard appears on Congo Sr. Never try to disconnect the external keyboard before because the virtual keyboard always appear until now.


    Pedro alves
  • Hi. Anders

    Just to say that with the external keyboard disconnected the virtual keyboard appears on Congo Sr. Never try to disconnect the external keyboard before because the virtual keyboard always appear until now.


    Pedro alves
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