Dynamic playback rates for dynamic effects

Hi! Is there any way to dynamically (i.e. from a fader) change the rate of a dynamic effect? I understand that the old dynamics could do it through a "rate fader" but I can find no such thing for the new dynamics.

The new "Beat Bosses" can control the rate of every other effect, but not dynamics.

The manual (CobaltFamily_v7.3_UserManual_revA.pdf p. 733, 735) and help system only references the Size & Rate section for the Old Dynamic Effects which doesn't seem to apply (and doesn't say how to access the Live Dynamic Effects tab anyway).


Dynamic rate control i such a powerful feature for busking and the main feature my crew is asking for.

The manual/help system needs a serious overhaul as well. It contains incorrect references, has false information and incomplete instructions (or lack references to information that are located elsewhere).


The CongoJr is a great desk, but I'm getting really frustrated right now...

  • Hello Andreas - 

    The new dynamic effect playbacks don't support this but the older direct dynamic effects do. Please look in the help system under Effects>Dynamic Effect>Old Dynamic Effects. The Live Dynamics tab is opened by pressing "DYN EFFECT" once.

    In old dynamics, you select channels and then apply the dynamic effect template directly to those channels, then use the Live Dynamics tab to make adjustments. Store this in to presets. The rule is, if the base point changes, the dynamic effect will stop, so if you want to make changes to the base point while the effect is running, please look at the "Keep Dynamics" flag in the record dialog (or search for it in the help system).

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -

