Connect cobalt and Eos as server & backup


I'm touring with my cobalt Nomad.

I'm in a venue with Eos ion desk.

Are the server/backup functions possible between cobalt and Eos ?

We actually don't manage to get it working. I would like to know if it's a setting problem, or if this is just by design impossible.

Thank you !


  • Hello - 

    The Eos and Cobalt families are completely separate software bases. It is not possible to connect them as clients or backups to each other, you can only connect Eos family producs to other Eos family products, and Cobalt family products to other Cobalt family products.

    Thanks -


  • Depending on what ETCnomad Cobalt Dongle you are using, you should be able to use that same USB DONGLE to run ETCnomad Eos on your

    Laptop. Try starting Eos Software on your Laptop with your dongle connected, and if it starts as Master, then you can use your dongle

    for Eos Software and then backup to the Ion. You can always message me the Serial Number of your Dongle and we can see what Dongle it is and if it also work with Eos Software.


    That being said - if you connect as Backup to an Ion, the lowest number of Outputs will dictate the max Outputs (Addresses) for that Master/Backup System in Eos. For example if your ETCnomad Dongle has 512 Outputs, and you connect to the Ion 1024 Outputs as Backup, the entire System will only have 512 Outputs. Depending on your dongle type, you could possible purchase Upgrades to allow it to have more Outputs.

    PM your Dongle Serial Number or ID Number, and we can see what type it is.



  • Thank you for both replies.
    I am using cobalt and I don't want to move to Eos actually.
    I did an ASCII import on the ion, and it's not too bad. It's a backup...