Output sequence data through OSC from Cobalt

Is it possible to output sequence information (e.g. sequence step#, preset#, sequence text, cue progress, current, next) from Cobalt using OSC? The manual alludes to the possibility, but I can't find any appropriate osc-commands

  • Turn on OSC, and tell it the Output Port and Output IP address.
    Cobalt will then send OSC status information to that IP and Port over UDP.

    Configured in [Setup] > Show Control tab.
  • I've gotten this far. I just can't find the appropriate commands in the cobalt manual's osc section to get the particular data I'm interested in, although the manual states that it should be possible. Either the passage about sending sequence data is erroneous, or the commands for fetching the information from the data stream has been accidentally been left out.
  • When you have configured the in and out ports, receiver IP and activated OSC in the settings, the Cobalt will transmit information about the following things:
    - Main playback status (starting with /mainplayback/)
    - Direct select status (starting with /directselects/)
    - Master status (starting with /masters/)
  • Could you perhaps list the individual commands? I can't find them in the manual (7.3).
  • For Example:
    /mainplayback/label/a - will pull the label of the active preset in A
    /directselects/label/1 - Will pull the label off of the direct select in the position 1

    There are resources on the Cobalt facebook page where other users have made and posted their layouts. It might be worth checking those out to get ideas and see how they were able to accomplish things.