TouchOSC/cobalt on MAC

Hi everyone,

i have an issue with TouchOSC iPad and cobalt .

my TouchOSC setup do not work with cobalt, well the only thing working is GO and SEQ+ and SEQ- the other fonctions don't work !!!

is there anyone having the same issue or did someone found a solution???


  • Hi,

    What version of Cobalt are you running? 7.3.1 is the best when it comes to OSC.

    Could you give us some examples of the exact commands that works for you and the ones that doesn't? Then we can make sure that the syntax is correct.

  • hi,
    yes I am testing TouchOSC with an ipad pro and Cobalt on Mac.
    the commend that works are SEQ+ / SEQ- the GO does work but jump cues randomly.
    everything else does not work.
    if you want I can send you the touchOSC file ?
    but i already chat with people on Cobalt Facebook and i send them my file and tried it, but it was with android and told me it works !!!
    so not sure where come from the issue ???
  • Hi all

    I'm using the TouchOsc but on Android tablet and a Congo Sr with Cobalt v7.3.
    I download the layout of Vassily Leushin that is on Facebook and from this layout we try to put some things that we need normaly when using the console.

    So from the Vassily layout almost everything works fine the little things that we saw are:

    - Has Did say when we press the Seq+ / Seq- it pass 2 steps of sequence instead of 1 ( from step 2 press Seq+ and it goes to step 4).
    - When we press Pause we've got to leave the finger pressing that key or else it doesn't Pause the crossfade.
    - After we select some devices and using some Focus pallettes when we press the Home it doesn´t do nothing.
    - On the A/b Label it doesn't appear any text. We've got all the Presets with some text but on the Tablet we can't read nothing.
    - Also on the Direct Select layout that works normally no text appear on the Tablet so we select what is on the DS of the console but only guessing what is on those DS.

    What we are trying to add to the good layout is the control of the 4 Wheels that are bellow the LCD display of the Congo Sr.
    We try to use the Enconder with a command that almost work: "/cobalt/key/wheel1" . And I say almost because the only way to work is like a Push Button. What I try to say is after we select some Revolutions and press the Focus key on those wheels we've got the Pan and Tilt and when we rotate the Enconder at same point what we can see is that it goes from 0 to F but like we press the button not in a linear way( 0,1,2,...,98,99,F).

    Can someone tell me what is the right command to control these wheels??

    Also what is the right command to see some text on the Labels??

    For now we've got only this few questions so hoping that someone knows this answers

    Pedro Alves
  • Hi all

    I'm using the TouchOsc but on Android tablet and a Congo Sr with Cobalt v7.3.
    I download the layout of Vassily Leushin that is on Facebook and from this layout we try to put some things that we need normaly when using the console.

    So from the Vassily layout almost everything works fine the little things that we saw are:

    - Has Did say when we press the Seq+ / Seq- it pass 2 steps of sequence instead of 1 ( from step 2 press Seq+ and it goes to step 4).
    - When we press Pause we've got to leave the finger pressing that key or else it doesn't Pause the crossfade.
    - After we select some devices and using some Focus pallettes when we press the Home it doesn´t do nothing.
    - On the A/b Label it doesn't appear any text. We've got all the Presets with some text but on the Tablet we can't read nothing.
    - Also on the Direct Select layout that works normally no text appear on the Tablet so we select what is on the DS of the console but only guessing what is on those DS.

    What we are trying to add to the good layout is the control of the 4 Wheels that are bellow the LCD display of the Congo Sr.
    We try to use the Enconder with a command that almost work: "/cobalt/key/wheel1" . And I say almost because the only way to work is like a Push Button. What I try to say is after we select some Revolutions and press the Focus key on those wheels we've got the Pan and Tilt and when we rotate the Enconder at same point what we can see is that it goes from 0 to F but like we press the button not in a linear way( 0,1,2,...,98,99,F).

    Can someone tell me what is the right command to control these wheels??

    Also what is the right command to see some text on the Labels??

    For now we've got only this few questions so hoping that someone knows this answers

    Pedro Alves
  • TouchOSC is an extremely limited OSC controller.
    This makes it good for simple use, but impractical for more complex operations as many options are unclear and others just aren't there.

    Sending the OSC command: "/refreshstatus" tells Cobalt to re-send all the status and label information.
    TouchOSC may or may not be able to handle this data in a useful way, I do not know.

    Your issues with Pause and Seq are likely due to improperly configured buttons in TouchOSC.

    Your "Seq+" button is jumping forward two because it is sending two commands for each touch, one on the "press" and another on the "release".
    If it is not possible to disable the second command, make certain that the down edge sends the value "1" and the up edge "0". Two non-zero values will send two commands.

    The Cobalt Help gives examples for TouchOSC and QLab.

    OSC paths that start "/cobalt/key/" are for pressing buttons.
    - So "/cobalt/key/wheel1" presses Wheel Key #1.

    The physical wheels/dials are not exposed via OSC as they are of very limited use.

    For relative Pan and Tilt, use:
    /cobalt/param/pan/wheel <increment>
    /cobalt/param/tilt/wheel <increment>

    For absolute Pan and Tilt (eg X/Y grid), use:
    /cobalt/param/panTilt <pan value> <tilt value>

    These are all given in the OSC Commands section of the Help.
  • Hi Richard

    I'm trying for this few days a lot of things but I'm still with so problems and maybe it's because only now I'm trying understand what is OSC and how it work.
    So again a few questions about some problems I've got:

    - After I saw your post I notice that SEQ-, SEQ+, GOBACK and GO all have the same problem and has you say is because when I press it send the command and when I remove the finger it send again the command.
    Please how can I solve this???
    For instance now the GO key (that is a Push Button) is "/mainplayback/go" with a Value Range "From: 1 To: 0" but I've alreday try with 1 to1, 0 to 0, 0 to1 but always happen the same thing.

    - I can't still see on my Android any labels that I've got on the Console. For instance I can't see the labels that I've got on my masters that are very simple, C1, C2,... What's the correct sintax for OSC label?? I'm using "/cobalt/master/label 3" and "/masters/label/4" and "/cobalt/master2 label" but nothing works.

    - If on Cobalt console exist the CHECK-/+ keys why can't I use them with OSC?? I try "/cobalt/key/check-" and nothing work.

    - Is the Grand Master fader off limits with OSC?? I'm trying to use a fader in OSC but without result.

    For now is enough. My may problem is the Go key and the 2 steps that it pass.

    Pedro Alves
  • I was never able to solve this problem using TouchOSC, I believe it is a limitation of the software. I am curious if anyone else was able to.

    You can try other OSC clients that might work better.
  • Lemur can be used to get around this problem but it is more complicated to program. Encoders are difficult to get working properly in Lemur. This is the tradeoff for ease of programming vs. adaptability.
  • Hi Pedro,

    Using /mainplayback/go from a TouchOSC button will not work. /mainplayback/go (and similar) is a command that will execute each time it is received. Since TouchOSC buttons will send it on both press and release, it won't work.

    Instead, I recommend you to use /cobalt/key/xxx commands that are compatible with TouchOSC buttons.
    /cobalt/key/go with a parameter of 1 will press the corresponding button and release it with a parameter of 0. In this case, the command will only be executed once.

    Check+/- aren't available in the current version. I will add them in the next.

    You should see /masters/label/x <text> messages each time the content changes. x is the master number.

    There is no OSC command for the grandmaster.
