Desk crashing when saving show

Hello, I have a problem inserting a new effect into my show. I have about 48 effects at the moment which are a mix of chases, dynamics and contents but when I add one more and then go to save the show the desk will crash and go back to the welcome screen. I'm running version 7.3.1 on a cobalt 10. Any ideas? Many thanks

  • With 48 effect playbacks, you might be running out of effect parameters. The effect playbacks are generic playback devices for effect parameters (similar to how a device is a playback for the parameters of a moving light or media server).

    You only need enough effect playbacks for the maximum number of simultaneously running effects.
    It sounds like you are making one effect playback for each effect that you have in your show, which might be streching the limits.

    Would it be possible for you to reuse existing effect playbacks to achieve what you want? This would fit better with the concept of shared playbacks in Cobalt.
  • Thanks for the quick response, I thought this might be the case but it just seemed like quite a severe response from the desk. The nature of our show requires a certain amount of busking and so it has been helpful to have dedicated effects on each playback.
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