Antari template

Hi all.

Does anyone use an Antari S500 snow machine??? I'm using 1 now on the show but I think that I'm doing something wrong because I don't see any diference on the Fan attribute. At Full or at 0 is the same thing. Does anyone got the right template for this machine?

I create a new one with Haze and Fan but I know that is the wrong template.

Pedro Alves

  • I run 2 hazers with fan and smoke channels.I normally just program them to 2 channels and not as a device.
    The cons of doing it as a device is that you have to select the channel to use fan and smoke. with them as two channels you can have it on two masters or as I on the independent knobs. then you always have access what ever you have selected.
  • Lately to run haze I have been writing a pair of Presets (#1 with fan & haze, #2 with just fan up/ Haze Marked ) and putting them on a single exclusive Master. Master content = Preset #1 with Return To set to Preset/#2. It's been working pretty well, no selection needed.
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