Client Laptop not updating.


I have a Client dongle (256 output) that I wanted to use with my CongoJR with Cobalt 7.3.1

So I plugged the dongle in my laptop, connected to my light-WiFi (where I run my iRFR) and got alot of trubble. 

The docks didn't work well. The direct select didn't show the direct selects, Some was just yellow and when I finally got the direct select dock to show the content (after pressing the 1 2 3 4 5 page boxes a few times) it didn't update. example: I moved lights for a focus pallet, and when I wanted to update the pallet I pressed "Record" in the direct select window and they did NOT turn red, but when I pressed the pallet I got the "Record pallet" window. if I pressed Record many times they did turn red, but it didn't mean it was set to record. do big delays.


It felt like the communication back to the Client from the master didn't work as intended. My commands from the client got to the master (like 5 [channel] 30 @level) but my screens didn't update so I didn't know where I was.

Any suggestions how to fix this?

  • WiFi is not recommended and is not currently supported at all for Client or Backup, as it has quite long and often highly variable latency.

    Sometimes it will be fine, however you will often get long delays.

    WiFi was never designed for this, it's intended for general web surfing which means high throughput in only one direction, and it really doesn't matter if a request has to wait half a second to get through.

    iRFR/aRFR is fine because very little information is being sent back and forth, and of course an occasional half-second delay is rarely a real problem when focusing!
  • It's not a second... it's if ever... But thanks for the answer.
    To bad it isn't working. what I need is fast update some pallets that need to be symmetrical, and with the lighting desk off center in the room it would be nice to quick move out in the seats with a laptop and fix the small things. guess I have to find a new way.
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  • There is a possibility firewalls are getting in the way or your WiFi router is blocking signal path, but it doesn't surprise me what you are saying. WiFi is very unstable for the constant real time communication that consoles need.

    This is an issue with every console I've ever tried, EOS is the same way. MA has trouble over wired 10/100 connections so forget about WiFi.

    My only suggestion is to get a Ethernet Snake to pull into the house so you can get your laptop to connect