Time to direct selects


I have tried to find a way to fade in paletts on a not pre-set time.

Now when I'm busking and want to change a wash color I have to put the color on a master to fade it in. I'm looking for a way to press a time and then the direkt select and it fades in on that time. I do NOT want to record a color time, and I do not want a time master. I want to press [Number][Direct Select x] and that direct select fades in [Number] sec.

Is there a way, or can I leave a wish for Cobalt 8? Now I have to use 10-20 masters for color pallets and I really could need that space for other stuff.

  • Hi Johannes,
    You can do this now.
    Select the fixtures, # (for the time you want), Direct Select
    I do this all the time. It has been in the software from at least Congo v4.
    Make sure that the fixtures are selected. If you have more problems, let us know.
  • Ok tested it out! and it's broken!
    Some times it works, and some times not.
    Most of the times I get it to work I moved the fixtures before. like from Home to Focus pallet 1. then I can fade in a color over time 1-3 times, and then it snapps. if I pressed [1] and Direct Select Focus 1 (with the lights in Focus one from the start) it gave me, (some times!), the chance to fade color on time 1-2 times... and then it start snapping.

    The funktion is maybe in there, but it do not work at all.
  • Hi Johannes,

    Is this with a touch screen in combination with the DS dock? If so, does it make any difference if you click in the DS dock with a mouse instead? (I am thinking that this might be a touch related problem in combination with the "slide-to-increase/decrease" function.)

  • Hi Johannes,

    Is this with a touch screen in combination with the DS dock? If so, does it make any difference if you click in the DS dock with a mouse instead? (I am thinking that this might be a touch related problem in combination with the "slide-to-increase/decrease" function.)
