Masters Dock behaviour with at level & a problem & a request

So heres what led me to this post. I was just trying to check out the quickest way to kill all active masters in the dock apart from the one(s) selected,  for an upcoming job (or chosen masters  if you were doing it with # then keystokes)

is there one i am just forgetting? ....

if not it seems like a missed trick possibly. I'm thinking of a [C/alt] & [master] type action like you would to kill all masters in one action.

BTW i mean something different to soloing . More like [REM DIM]&[MASTER]


Problem/ issue/ or just the way it is:

>RPN mode

>if you set a channel to any level then [c/alt] once , the number box greys out...all good

>if you hit [@level] now it goes to 70% as a default, all good

>in masters dock now, showing active masters

> set a selected master to any level then [c/alt] once to a greyed number box , then a zero is in that greyed box

>you still have that master selected - if you hit [@level] now the  selected master fader goes to zero

>in this view it disappears even though its still selected, but you dont see it . This is unlike almost any view i can think of where the selected thing at least highlights in whatever view you are focused on

>it could be beneficial if when you type eg. [9] [master] , the one you just selected showed up. I'm seeing that the only way to get it to show(in this view and without changing its level) is to tap the [@level]  which then puts it at the level of the masters number . Even touching the wheel could cause problems depending on settings

>Could we at least have selected masters show up in the dock views when they are selected

>It seems like  the selected masters showing , works in any view apart from active masters.

And the request:

Any chance of a local menu on the Masters Dock to swap between the views available?


I would be interested to hear what others think or what i have forgotten


  • I agree that the selected masters should be shown in the active masters format.

    If you right-click on the format name, you'll get a popup with the available formats.
  • I agree that the selected masters should be shown in the active masters format.

    If you right-click on the format name, you'll get a popup with the available formats.
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