The use of a Backup system


Do you that use a backup system feel you need it? I worked in a theater that had a backup desk at each stage but I never needed the backup.

Now I have been on the same stage for 2 years with my JR and never had a live crash that made me wish I had a backup.

even if I never had a crash I'm looking in to geting a dongle and a Laptop to use as Backup but also for updating fixtures, building network and so on. And maybe use for out of house things. I do have a spare 1x20 fader wing that I can use with my laptop.

But how is it out there? I see people with Cobalt 20 + Light Server + Nomad puck! and I feel a little bit "why?" What's the plan behind a build like that? why the need of 3 systems.

  • Hi Johannes,
    The short answer is "peace of mind". I use the 20 as the server and the Light Server as the back-up. I use the Nomad with a programming wing as a client to do focusing on stage.
    I have not had the system crash during a show. Knock on wood!
    I have had crashes during intense programming sessions. The stage didn't go dark. The moving lights didn't freak out or unlamp because of loss of DMX. The only person that knew something was wrong was me.
    Now, before I got this system, I did have a producer of a show kill the main power to my old desk by accidently hitting the power switch. It took some work, but he got it on the first try. Lucky for me, the houselights were on so everything didn't go to black. I was able to turn on worklights with my Unison system until I could reboot the lighting desk.
    My consoles and network rack are on UPS. My Unison processor is on a UPS. If I lose power to my theatre, the emergency lighting will take over, but all of my processing will remain on line. When power restores, I won't have to wait for consoles to re-boot when the main power takes over.
    Now that I have these systems in place, I don't want to be without them.
    Hope that helps,
  • Hi Johannes,
    The short answer is "peace of mind". I use the 20 as the server and the Light Server as the back-up. I use the Nomad with a programming wing as a client to do focusing on stage.
    I have not had the system crash during a show. Knock on wood!
    I have had crashes during intense programming sessions. The stage didn't go dark. The moving lights didn't freak out or unlamp because of loss of DMX. The only person that knew something was wrong was me.
    Now, before I got this system, I did have a producer of a show kill the main power to my old desk by accidently hitting the power switch. It took some work, but he got it on the first try. Lucky for me, the houselights were on so everything didn't go to black. I was able to turn on worklights with my Unison system until I could reboot the lighting desk.
    My consoles and network rack are on UPS. My Unison processor is on a UPS. If I lose power to my theatre, the emergency lighting will take over, but all of my processing will remain on line. When power restores, I won't have to wait for consoles to re-boot when the main power takes over.
    Now that I have these systems in place, I don't want to be without them.
    Hope that helps,
  • Hi Johannes

    Like JPALMERLD we use a backup just for safety because a few years ago during a show the console had a crash and we miss some cues while the console restart.
    We've got a CONGO Sr. since 2005 and start to use the Congo Jr (now both with Cobalt V7.3) as backup around 2011. Since that time we only had 1 problem during a show with Sr and the Jr take over and nobody noticed what happen. While we are in the rehearsals if Sr crashes we can wait a little bit to restart the console but during a show it's not ok.
    Now we use just for a "piece of mind".

    Pedro Alves