The use of a Backup system


Do you that use a backup system feel you need it? I worked in a theater that had a backup desk at each stage but I never needed the backup.

Now I have been on the same stage for 2 years with my JR and never had a live crash that made me wish I had a backup.

even if I never had a crash I'm looking in to geting a dongle and a Laptop to use as Backup but also for updating fixtures, building network and so on. And maybe use for out of house things. I do have a spare 1x20 fader wing that I can use with my laptop.

But how is it out there? I see people with Cobalt 20 + Light Server + Nomad puck! and I feel a little bit "why?" What's the plan behind a build like that? why the need of 3 systems.

  • Hi Johannes,

    Cobalt 20 is the Master control desk.

    Light Server is the Backup control - if for some reason - the Master control desk fails - the Backup will seamlessly take

    over so that there is no loss of lighting control which could include sensitive relays powering MLs which when they lose control and later

    restrike and possibly recalibrate very loudly and noticeable seem to disturb the performance.  

    The ETCnomad Client is usually placed in the audience during technical rehearsals so the designer can see what

     levels the channels are out and can even remotely control using for instance the Color Pcker (though some Operators

    don't like this ;) )

    You may say - "well a Backup is expensive, so I think I could throw on the work lights, until the failed master restarts",

    if it even restarts - but its all a matter of choice. Usually when a console fails during a show, there is a lot of panic and stress and

    one doesn't always react quickly and correctly, especially when all the lights on the stage go black during the middle of a dance

    number with 20 dancers feet away from the edge of the stage. Trust in your system is a good thing, but having a Backup control is more

    professional. Depending on how many addresses are in use, you could use a ETCnomad with enough addresses as a Backup in your

    system which may be a more affordable solution.

    I would like to tell you "No worries, ETC consoles never fail during a show!", but we have electronics inside our products,

    which are very complex and who knows when some of that may fail. Better safe than sorry.

  • Hi Johannes,

    Cobalt 20 is the Master control desk.

    Light Server is the Backup control - if for some reason - the Master control desk fails - the Backup will seamlessly take

    over so that there is no loss of lighting control which could include sensitive relays powering MLs which when they lose control and later

    restrike and possibly recalibrate very loudly and noticeable seem to disturb the performance.  

    The ETCnomad Client is usually placed in the audience during technical rehearsals so the designer can see what

     levels the channels are out and can even remotely control using for instance the Color Pcker (though some Operators

    don't like this ;) )

    You may say - "well a Backup is expensive, so I think I could throw on the work lights, until the failed master restarts",

    if it even restarts - but its all a matter of choice. Usually when a console fails during a show, there is a lot of panic and stress and

    one doesn't always react quickly and correctly, especially when all the lights on the stage go black during the middle of a dance

    number with 20 dancers feet away from the edge of the stage. Trust in your system is a good thing, but having a Backup control is more

    professional. Depending on how many addresses are in use, you could use a ETCnomad with enough addresses as a Backup in your

    system which may be a more affordable solution.

    I would like to tell you "No worries, ETC consoles never fail during a show!", but we have electronics inside our products,

    which are very complex and who knows when some of that may fail. Better safe than sorry.

  • Had a JR crash at me just this weekend. not in a critical plays but still.
    I'm thinking if a Laptop and a dongle. for as you say just the safety not having Moving heads reset and so on (DMX hold if fine until the desk starts up and BO the stage!) But some times I see theaters have like a full size desk as backup to and I find that a bit overkill but want to see how others think about it. I have hard to get money to get a dongle and a laptop, and then 2x Cobalt 20 and a light server feels faaaar off.