How to get motorized faders to update from Cobalt direct midi mode?



i am trying to get a BCF2000 to sync with Cobalt on Mac (just running without a dongle right now to explore the software and learn) and I am finding that the software is receiving the MIDI from the BCF2000 just fine - buttons, faders, and knobs are all controlling the software - but the software is not sending feedback to the controller so that it updates when things are changed via the interface.

I have the BCF2000 selected as both MIDI input and output, and it is in direct mode.

As an example, with one of the faders tied to a master, moving the fader adjusts the master, but if I click on the master in the Master Dock and use the mouse wheel to adjust the intensity, the fader on the controller does not budge.

The BCF2000 does have motorized faders, as well as indicators for the encoders, and it seems that no updates are being sent from the software back to the controller.


How can I get Cobalt to give the controller feedback to keep it in sync?


Thank you!
