DMX Input

Have a DMX input question. From the 7.3 manual it say:

DMX Input mode
You can activate DMX input for one DMX universe (selectable) though an ETC node from an EDMX
or sACN universe and map it to a channel which will be the start channel for that universe. When
DMX input is activated, master playback 20 will act as a master for the DMX input.

But I remember asking about it in the Cobalt programmers FaceBook page I got the answer that any sACN node should work but I haven't got it working.

I need to know this fast because I need DMX input in 2 days and I do not have a ETC node in hose.

  • You can use anything that outputs DMX-over-Ethernet compliant with the sACN (E1.31) standard.

    • Cobalt/Congo consoles can use any network input device compliant with EDMX (ETCNet 2) or sACN (E1.31).
    • Cobalt ETCnomad can use any network input device compliant with sACN (E1.31)
      (ETCnomad doesn't support ETCNet 2 due to limitations of desktop versions of Windows and macOS.)

    We recommend that ETC nodes/DMX Gateways be used as we know those work perfectly, however these days pretty much everything supports sACN (E1.31).

    When the Help was first written there weren't many 3rd party devices that supported sACN.

  • You can use anything that outputs DMX-over-Ethernet compliant with the sACN (E1.31) standard.

    • Cobalt/Congo consoles can use any network input device compliant with EDMX (ETCNet 2) or sACN (E1.31).
    • Cobalt ETCnomad can use any network input device compliant with sACN (E1.31)
      (ETCnomad doesn't support ETCNet 2 due to limitations of desktop versions of Windows and macOS.)

    We recommend that ETC nodes/DMX Gateways be used as we know those work perfectly, however these days pretty much everything supports sACN (E1.31).

    When the Help was first written there weren't many 3rd party devices that supported sACN.

  • Ok. then it's weird I haven't got it to work. I made one port IN on my node, and enabled it on my Console. Got Master 20 as DMX IN. but the desk don't react on my input I tested Univers 5 and 6. I have lights on U1-4. Guess I have to test more.
    It's a NA Company DigiNet 4 node I use for outputs all the time.

  • Master #20 acts as a GM to the DMX input, and the DMX input drives the Intensity of channels X thru X+511.

    So Master #20 should be at Full to get anything.

    The other thing to remember is that the DMX input must be a universe the console is not outputting.
    - Otherwise it would feed back and you'd never be able to reduce the levels...

    The application sACNView will show you sACN levels on the network. Get it from here:

  • So, a disabled in settings, or just one unpatched? (Universe)

  • Either would work.
    Best to be a Universe that isn't in your Universe Map though, as then you can't patch to it by accident.