hazer on independent

Is there a way to controll hazer by independent knob and controll haze and blower (beam) parameters up and down? I can control attributes only the way up, I´m unable to lower them and turn hazer off by the knob. Similar with button. Toggle doesn´t work the way I need.

Thank you

  • Because the hazer attributes are beam, they are probably set up as LTP. You could try changing the hazer template so that the haze controls are HTP values and select fade with intensity. That should give you the control that you are looking for.
    My hazer has a number of channels, but it comes down to one is all that I need. I have the other channels at a default value in the template, and I changed the haze output to be Intensity. I keep my hazer on Ind.#9 as a toggle.
    Hope that helps,
  • Because the hazer attributes are beam, they are probably set up as LTP. You could try changing the hazer template so that the haze controls are HTP values and select fade with intensity. That should give you the control that you are looking for.
    My hazer has a number of channels, but it comes down to one is all that I need. I have the other channels at a default value in the template, and I changed the haze output to be Intensity. I keep my hazer on Ind.#9 as a toggle.
    Hope that helps,