ESPVISION with Cobalt Nomad

Hello everybody,

first sorry for my english.

I would like to connect My etc nomad cobalt to the visualizer ESPVISION but i can't manage to do it,  even if i apply instructions on the article about the way to connect it to a visualizer like CAPTURE or WYG.

BUT i manage to do it with the eos and the element....with the same instructions...


i don't understand why it doesn't work with the COBALT nomad.


Thanks for your help!

  • are you working offline or with dongle? if offline, is the "output in offline mode" checked?
    is the right protocol on?
    is the IPs right?
  • I've tried both of it, With and Without the dongle, when it's offline the "outpout in offline mode" is checked.

    I forget to mention both of software Cobalt and espvision are on the same Macbookpro, i don't know if it's change something. The protocol seems right too.
  • I've tried both of it, With and Without the dongle, when it's offline the "outpout in offline mode" is checked.

    I forget to mention both of software Cobalt and espvision are on the same Macbookpro, i don't know if it's change something. The protocol seems right too.
  • does the macbook have any network connection at all? i'm not a mac user but if i remember correctly macs will not activate network services unless some sort of connection is established. a network cable that connects the mac to a network switch is enough.
  • Actually i've tried both of it too, and it works without connection with EOS. But i've plugged to a network with the cobalt.. no success,... and my macbook and the cobalt has the same IP. i don't understand what the problem could be