Macro Direct Select, Congo Kid

Is there a way to acces my macros from Direct Select Dock? I know macros can be triggered by a master button, but I would like to spare them for more suitable purposes. Accessing macrost throught softkeys is too complicated and slow. Thank you.

Parents Reply
  • In general, button "Macros" are to be avoided on Direct-Action consoles like Cobalt as they are totally dependent on which tab, dock or dialog happened to be focused at the time.
    - They just hit the buttons, so might do something else entirely if the 'wrong' tab was focused.

    Action Macros always do exactly what they're set to do.

    If there's a function you're often using button Macros for, please let us know.
    There might already be a better way and if not, we might want to add that to the Action Macro syntax or some other feature.
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