Change rate effects

Hi all


Does anyone know how to change the rate on a Dynamic effect with time and not with snap?? Example: A rate of 100 on a Effect Dynamic in Preset 5 and I need a rate of 500 on that Dynamic in 25 seconds on preset 6. how can I do that??

Every time and every thing I do the rate on Preset 6 always snap without any time even with 20s time on MP and the only change between Preset 5 and 6 is the rate of the Effect.


Pedro Alves

  • Another thing:

    I try to use Effect dynamics on masters but the result was strange again. What I do is, using the same Group (ETC Color Source Par), put an Effect Dynamic using Strobe on Master 21 and an Effect Dynamic using Metronome on Master 22. Put M21 at full and we see the leds with strobe but as soon I start to moving the M22 the leds all goes to full and then start the Metronome effect. What I need is that the 2 efects runs at same time but I don´t know how to do that. Can someone help me please????

    Pedro Alves
  • Another thing:

    I try to use Effect dynamics on masters but the result was strange again. What I do is, using the same Group (ETC Color Source Par), put an Effect Dynamic using Strobe on Master 21 and an Effect Dynamic using Metronome on Master 22. Put M21 at full and we see the leds with strobe but as soon I start to moving the M22 the leds all goes to full and then start the Metronome effect. What I need is that the 2 efects runs at same time but I don´t know how to do that. Can someone help me please????

    Pedro Alves