Connecting Cobalt Offline to Capture, 7.3.1 vs 8.0


I have Cobalt Offline 7.3.1 installed in a Windows 10 and connected to an instance of Capture running on the same PC using the Microsoft loopback adapter. This works fine.

I have now installed Cobalt 8.0 in addition on the same PC and have it set up with the same settings (both versions seem to share their settings). Capture does not show any external sACN universes. It's as if Cobalt 8.0 wasn't sending any sACN at all even though Enable Output in Offline Mode is set.

Is this a bug in Cobalt 8.0 or am I missing something?


Another puzzler: I have opened the Net3/ACN Device List in Cobalt 8.0 but now the menu item is gone from the browser of both versions.
