How do you use lamp control options for fan speed?

In Cobalt, the "lamp control" option only seems to list a fixed set of four options, even though the fixture supports more than that (I checked this by making a copy of the template and trying to edit it; I see options for fan speed control for this fixture in the template - Chauvet Intimidator Wash Zoom 350 IRC), but when I try going to the device control soft keys, I only see those four options.  I can't seem to find any way to activate those fan speed options?


I checked this on Cobalt 7 and Cobalt 8 and they appear to be the same in this regard.

  • you have to put the Control Channel on a U button. U1, U2 or U3.
    Select your device (not shure that's needed) Hold [Modify] and select the U button you want to program it to. There you can select what you want on what wheel and put the Control Channel there. Then you go back out, select the fixture go to that U button you used, select it and hold down the Control channel to select what's needed.
    See "Device Control U1-U2-U3" in Help.
