CongFu Kitty...

Is there any other program as the old CongFu Kitty-software so I could see what lightingconsolles that running on the network? As my other question about logical network it´s easy to see if they start up on wrong network if I had such program up and running when they call me.

My old CongFu Kitty v1.1.0.7 get a fault messages after Windows or DirectX-upgrade... "Access violation at adress 00403AE5 in module"... Try to reinstall and do stuff what they says on the internet, but with no success.

  • Hi Tommy,

    Right now, we don't have a replacement for CongFu Kitty that works with Cobalt v8. We'll think about it.
  • CongFu Kitty is realy nice in a large lighting network. I test "Net3 Concert Beta ver 3" and I got all active consolles visibly there. However, no information is available on which network the consolles is running on as with CongFu Kitty, so now Concert is not a future option for us.

    All consolles are named "Cobalt" and we can´t rename them... yet... ;)
  • Hi MacTommy - thanks for being a Beta Tester. Concert v3 has now released and is on the Website to download.
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