Cobalt 7.3.1/Win7 congo jr: trouble opening system settings, goto doing strange things

Hey everyone,


I have some trouble with to different congo jr. Both of them got their Win7 hardware upgrade some days ago, after this both bugs start to appear.

On both desk cobalt v8 is installed parallel, but both still used with 7.3.1

1. Opening the system settings

After hitting "go to system settings" the welcome screen comes up, but nothing more happens.

After unplugging one of the screens und plug in again (DVI) the system settings opens.

Or in the welcome screen hit "ctrl,alt,entf" and the close the win7 screen, the system settings show up.

I can reproduce this behavior on both desk.



Working on a sequence in the main playback. Hitting "0 Goto" the main playback jumps as expected to the zero step in the sequence. 

After some seconds the desk starts to fade in the 1. cue. 

Same when you do this with the remote (hardware remote). Happens on all showfiles and on both desks.


Does someone experience the same stuff? Or is this already known as a bug?

Gonna appreciate any help with this. The goto bug is annoying a lot.


Thank you!


