cobalt 8 midi adress control wheel


Is it possible to assign the wheel controlling channel to a midi controller ?

I don't find it in the midi table manual.

What is the control change for this wheel and other wheels (controlling devices) on cobalt ?

Maybe it doesn't exist ...

Thanks for help

  • Thank bumping and trying to answer !M

    My question is not if it's possible to do it theoretically but if there is a midi code assign to this wheel in the cobalt software. Can't find it in the midi chart  and i tried randomly to find it but no result.

    I use OSC too but it would be great to use in midi code.

  • Hi, this is how it is implemented (but might not be very useful from the MIDI controller side):

    "First, Direct mode has to be switched off. 

    Controller messages 1-4 control parameter wheel 1-4. Controller message 5 controls the level wheel. 

    The controller value - 64 will be interpreted as a positive or negative wheel increment. Value 64 is 0, value 63 is -1, value 65 is +1 etc."

  • Hi, this is how it is implemented (but might not be very useful from the MIDI controller side):

    "First, Direct mode has to be switched off. 

    Controller messages 1-4 control parameter wheel 1-4. Controller message 5 controls the level wheel. 

    The controller value - 64 will be interpreted as a positive or negative wheel increment. Value 64 is 0, value 63 is -1, value 65 is +1 etc."

  • sorry  but i don't understand what you mean.

    Controller messages 1-4 control parameter wheel 1-4. Controller message 5 controls the level wheel

    first i need a midi code number for this wheel to use it, if the wheels are not assigned to midi in the software ican't control it !

  • MIDI message type is Controller (0xB0) followed by the wheel number (1-5). The third parameter is the wheel increment value as described above. 

  • Thank you Anders for your time but it's very complicated for me with this wheel.

    No problem to edit fader or button ... but this one ...

    I don't undrstand the message type 0xB0.  Wheel is not a control change and not a note.

    I show you my screen capture of the korg jog wheel editor.

    If you have time to help me . Thank you very much

  • Try to use the Inc/Dec mode. Set CW to 65 and CCW to 63. CC number is the controller number 1-5 depending on which wheel you want to control.

  • it works !!! thank you !!! i use it for the 5th wheel

    the only thing is that increase is +48 % and decrease is ok (1% step by step)

    any idea ?

  • Looking at your tool setup again, I am not sure if it can do this. The CC number needs to be 1-5 but the CC value should be 63 or 65. However, there is no way to enter the CC value as far as I can see.
    Is there anyone else in this forum that has experience of this tool and what is possible?

  • I try a lot of things but impossible to change this increase problem. Thank you very much for your time and advise !

  • I don't understand how to edit an independant with a control change with this korg software.

    Note number is 126 and velocity is 99 or 100 or 101. But where do i insert the velocity value to control it ?

  • Hi,

    You have to assign a Control Change to a key (Not a Note) and add the correct velocity to Off and On value. For me it works like this.

    Best regards


  • I do exactly the same and it doesn'twork. I will focus on it when i will have more time.

    Thank for answering ;)

  • You also have to work in Midi Standard Mode (uncheck direct mode in setup)...

  • it's what i do . i only have problem with keys with 2 values (note number and velocity)