Cobalt 8.1-Direct Select and DS Flow in Screen Layouts, Beware!

Hello Cobalt Users!

  We wanted to give you a heads-up that a defect was found in Cobalt 8.1. If you have Direct Selects or the new Direct Select Flow tabs saved to any Screen Layout, there is a possibility that switching between these layouts can cause a crash.

  Because everyone loves having Direct Selects in their layouts, we are aiming to have a software fixed released for this AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to address this issue. In the meantime, beware of multiple layouts with these tabs, our deepest apologies for any inconvenience, and happy programming!

-Brandon Merkle

  • so is it that if I have one layout with DS and one without and switch between it will crash, or do it only happen when the DS is on more then one layout?


  • so is it that if I have one layout with DS and one without and switch between it will crash, or do it only happen when the DS is on more then one layout?

